Birdbath Gin
BA  +0.1
Drinking  +0.04
Speed  +0.05
Strength  +0.05
Drinks you can make with Birdbath Gin
+0.05 ba
+0.12 drinking
Your opponent takes damage when they hit you
Gin & Juice
+0.05 ba
+0.06 drinking
If you lose a fight you won't lose any money
Jolly Gentleman
+0.05 ba
+0.04 drinking
Increased respect when fighting for a period of time
Purring Kitty
+0.05 ba
+0.04 drinking
+100 speed for a period of time
Drinks | Search | Recipes
Disclaimer: This guide uses a bunch of data I stole off other hobos, but they stole it off of other hobos themselves so I'm not crediting anyone. Likewise you can steal this info yourself without giving me credit, I couldn't care less. If you're so lazy you can't even be bothered stealing then the data can be yours in XML format for HBW$50,000,000 or JSON for HBW$100,000,000. kthnxbai.